HempFair Frankfurt
Trade ShowGermany
Acceso exclusivo para adultos
Debe ser mayor de 18 años para acceder a Kannabia Seed Company
Kannabia Seed Company vende a sus clientes semillas de aficionado (colección) para uso personal. Prohibida su germinación y cultivo. El comprador se compromete a consultar la legislación vigente en su país de residencia para evitar incurrir en la realización de una actividad ilegal.
From Freitag, 15/09/2023 - To: Sonntag, 17/09/2023
ExpoCannabis Uruguay, moving towards its 10th edition, is one of the most important events on cannabis in the world, bringing together brands, experiences, lectures and learning related to the culture and industry of cannabis, normalizing the plant and its purposes. Considering its relevance and the number of Brazilians attracted by the event, the majority audience of ExpoCannabis Uruguay, we are pleased to invite you to the first edition of ExpoCannabis Brasil, which will be held on September 15, 16 and 17, 2023, in São Paulo (SP).
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