Trade ShowThailand
Acceso exclusivo para adultos
Debe ser mayor de 18 años para acceder a Kannabia Seed Company
Kannabia Seed Company vende a sus clientes semillas de aficionado (colección) para uso personal. Prohibida su germinación y cultivo. El comprador se compromete a consultar la legislación vigente en su país de residencia para evitar incurrir en la realización de una actividad ilegal.
From Mittwoch, 22/11/2023 - To: Samstag, 25/11/2023
The “Asia International Hemp Expo” is the very first trade exhibition for hemp industry in Asia which is organized annually. In 2023, this expo is the second edition which will showcase the latest in cutting-edge hemp technology, materials and equipment for planting, extracting and processing, with the aim of facilitating the establishment of production bases in Thailand. In addition, it will provide a valuable platform for comprehensive business negotiations among raw material suppliers and manufacturers of processed hemp products, covering the entire supply chain from upstream to downstream as well as opportunities for export channels.“
The expo will focus on the following primary industries: medical supplies, food and beverages, cosmetics and spas, fashion apparel, composite products, building materials (such as HEMP Crete), and other alternative materials.
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