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Rolling tray 180 mm
The rolling tray 180 mm by Kannabia is the ideal accessory to help you create your most magnificent works of art. No matter the size of your creation, the spaciousness and lightness of this rolling tray will ensure you don’t lose a single gram while rolling.
It´s rounded edges and metallic composition make it not only comfortable and lightweight, but also resistant. Since it is also slightly concave, it is very easy to gather the remains once you have finished rolling, so that you don’t waste anything.
The designs printed directly on the metal mean that its durability and resistance are beyond any doubt, while also giving it a very striking decorative touch.
Available in two sizes, 180 mm or 275 mm, that are perfectly adapted to suit your needs in terms of space and size.
- 180*140*13 mm
- 275*175*23 mm
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